Cutoff Alcyon 5050

Maybe you wannted to see how the inside of a handcuffs looks. This one is an Alcyon 5050 which is damaged, so we could cut them open without destorying a functioning handcuff.
What's wrong with this cuff? As you can see, the teeth are not gripping the bow. That's because it doesn't fit! I don't know why, because the cuff itself doesn't look like it's bent, but that's the reason why the cuff is not functional.
So, what are you seeing here? First of all on the right hand side of the open cuff, you can see the teeth, which hold the teeth of the bow and lock the cuff (normally). On the left hand side, you see the hole for the key and the second metal bar which is the doublelock. This doublelock is a push pin, which is used on the upper side of this picture. You press the pin into the cuff and the doublelock itself moves to the bottom of the cuff. It has a metal part on it, which prevents the teeth from moving down, so the bow can't be pushed through the lock anymore.
The small pin between the two metal parts which you can see in the picture can be moved inside of the teeth part. There's also a spring inside, so the locking teeth are spring-loaded and push against the bow (like normal handcuffs do).